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Installing the R3-Born Core
Описание Manual. English
Автор martin Число Ноябрь 02 2007, 23:38 Тип FAQ
Категория Документация
Просмотров 1280
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Installing the R3-Born Core
Manual. English
This document outlines some of the issues dealing with the installation and of this early alpha version of R3-born. If you run into any difficulties then please visit the support forum.

Uploading and Extracting R3-born Core

Installation of R3-born will vary according to your server and database. If you have shell access to your account, you may want to upload the entire R3-born archive (in binary mode) to a directory on your host and extract it there.

R3-born is available in three archive formats, bzip2, gzip and zip. Once you have uploaded the archive, change directory to where you want to install R3-born and extract the R3-born Core archive into that directory using one the appropriate commands from those below.

tar jxvf R3-born-Core-v0.1.2.tar.bz2
tar zxvf R3-born-Core-v0.1.2.tar.gz
unzip R3-born-Core-v0.1.2.zip

If you do not have shell access or do not wish to use it, you will need to decompress the R3-born archive to a local directory on your system. From there you must FTP all the files it contains (being sure to retain the
directory structure) to your host. All .php, .sql, .cfg, .htm and .tpl files should be uploaded in ASCII mode, while all graphics should use binary mode.

If you are unfamiliar with what this means, please refer to your FTP client documentation. In most cases this need not concern you since many FTP clients will automatically guess the correct mode to use.

If the file extension used to execute PHP scripts on your server is not .php
but, for example .phtml, you should first rename all files ending in .php. In the vast majority of cases this step will be unnecessary.


Once all the files have been uploaded to your site you should point your
browser to this location, eg. http://www.mysite.tld/r3-born/ or http://subdomain.mysite.tld/, etc. Of course replace these with the real location. Everything from this point is fully automated.

The R3-born installer will first check your server configuration to ensure it
meets the minimum requirements and that essential file permissions have been set.

To ease the installation process it is recommended that you set the following file and directory permisions via your shell account or FTP client.

chmod 666 config.php
chmod 777 cache
chmod 777 files
chmod 777 files/avatars

MySQL 3/4/5, PostgreSQL 7.x, MS SQL 7/2000

NOTE! R3-born 0.1.2 has not been tested on Postgres or MS-SQL, please report any issues you might encounter at the R3-born support site.

Before proceeding with installation you should ensure you have a database available. Ask your provider for details if you are unsure whether you do or not.

Once you have reached the installation page (as explained above) you should fill out all the fields on each page. Be sure to select the right database type!

NOTE! The MySQLi driver shipped with R3-born 0.1.2 doesn't work reliably. MySQL users should choose the 'MySQL 4.x/5.x' option when prompted instead.

If you do not have or do not know the database name, database server, etc. please check with your hosting provider. The database server is typically 'localhost' but this is not universal!

The database prefix allows you to enter a few characters, short name, etc., which all tables used by this installation, will be prefixed with. The default is usually fine, however if you have more than one copy of R3-born using the same database, be sure to alter it or you will receive errors during installation.

The remaining information is personal to you and your site. You will need to enter a username and password for the initial administration account (more administrators can be created later). The server name, server port and script path are essential because all emails containing URLs will use these values. The installer will guess initial values, however they may not be correct so be sure to check them!

Once you have checked all the data, press submit. The installation script will create and populate all the necessary tables. It will then attempt to write to the config.php file that will contain the basic configuration data used to run R3-born. If the installer cannot write config.php directly you will be given the option of either downloading the file or even FTPing it to the correct location. If you choose to download, you should then re-upload the file to your server, overwriting the existing config.php in the process. If you attempt to FTP via the install script, you should supply the requested information. Should FTP fail you will be able to download the file and then re-upload as described earlier.

During the installation procedure, R3-born will check to ensure the relevant PHP database module is available and will not proceed if it cannot be found. Should this happen be sure to check you have selected the correct database and/or ask your hosting provider for advice.

Post Installation Tasks

Once you have successfully installed R3-born, you MUST ensure that you remove the '/install' directory. Leaving these in place is a potential security issue. R3-born will displaying a warning message on every page until you remove the '/install' directory.

Additionally you may delete the 'docs/' directory if you wish.

You can change the file permissions of config.php so that it is no longer
writable by everyone.

chmod 644 config.php

Login as the administrator you specified during install and then click on the "Administration" link at the top of any page. You will be asked to
re-authenticate before you can access the Administration Control Panel (ACP).

You can now configure your site settings as required

Adding Blocks and Modules

The R3-born Core doesn't do a great deal on its own, you will need to install blocks and modules to add the features you want on your site

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